Anxiety Counselling

Anxiety is a simplistic blanket term which covers a wide range of problems from the temporary effects of stress to panic attacks, compulsions, phobias or debilitating nervous illness previously known as ‘nervous breakdown’. Common in all these complaints is the overwhelming effect of the body producing too much adrenaline resulting in physical symptoms which affect daily life. This may prompt someone to seek anxiety counselling.

The apprehension of anxiety, which causes palpitations and shaking, results in the production of even more adrenaline, resulting in a vicious circle. Anxiety counselling can help you break this circle.  For some people anxiety is a temporary state which passes when the source of stress subsides, while for others it becomes a long-term condition which affects their lives and those of their loves ones. If anxiety is controlling your life, it’s a good indicator that you need to seek anxiety counselling.

A quarter of the population will suffer from anxiety at some time in their lives and will require anxiety counselling. It is the major reason for absence from work, and this is a good sign that you need to access help in the form of anxiety counselling. The fear-adrenaline-fear cycle, if unbroken, eventually brings about a state of stress and extreme fatigue. Anxiety counselling can help you get back to a full and meaningful life.

Symptoms of anxiety

  • headaches
  • tiredness – often extreme
  • palpitations
  • heart pains
  • head pains
  • shaking
  • sweating
  • churning stomach
  • sleeplessness
  • panic attacks
  • lump in throat
  • weight loss
  • obsessive thoughts
  • diarrhoea
  • anti-social behaviour.

Anxiety is often accompanied by intense mental and physical sensations which can convince the sufferer that they cannot cope with work, family life or ordinary social contact. Their withdrawal and increasing pre-occupation with their symptoms increases the effects and isolation. Cold sweats, trembling, tingling and palpitations are common symptoms in both anxiety and depression, which often interact. The physical and mental symptoms create a cycle which is easily triggered causing the sufferer to avoid others. Anxiety counselling can help you to relieve these symptoms.

Anxiety feeds on fear, like a bully, and needs to be confronted, appropriately and safely, with skills and constructive thinking patterns which are covered in anxiety counselling. This is where calling Bright Ideas Psychology and booking some anxiety counselling can help you to get back on track.

When is the right time to seek help?

Anxiety is a problem which feeds on itself and is often covered up and dealt with in isolation. Help such as anxiety counselling should be sought as soon as possible. Anxiety counselling may help you to face the fears and rebuild self-esteem.

How can anxiety counselling help with anxiety?

  • co-manage getting life back to normal
  • help to define and reframe your most common anxieties
  • help you to manage and understand anxiety or panic attacks
  • learn to manage your life better through meeting your needs
  • understand your own limits and triggers for anxiety and stress
  • help to confront and tolerate your fears
  • understanding the effects of your self-esteem and expectations
  • consider the wider context of your relationships and their effect.

Sometimes understanding where an anxiety originated can help realise a new perspective, and this anxiety counselling is useful for this. Relaxation techniques such as guided relaxation and muscle tension are two techniques that can be used to break the cycle. Call Bright Ideas Psychology today and book your appointment for anxiety counselling.